Booking now open for September WEA Courses


This September, I’m teaching various Creative Writing Courses for the Workers’ Educational Association. All courses run for 11 weeks and cost £66 (or free if you are on certain benefits – check to see if you qualify here).


Beginners Creative Writing at Brunswick Methodist Church:

For those who are new to creative writing or who haven’t shared their work before.

Wednesday 10am-12pm (12 September to 28 November 2018)

Find out more and book here


Improvers Creative Writing at Brunswick Methodist Church:

For those who’ve been writing for a while and want to commit to regular writing sessions to produce new work and develop their skills.

Wednesday 1pm-3pm (12 September to 28 November 2018)

Find out more and book here


Creative Writing at South Shields Museum:

For beginners and improvers.

Tuesday 10.30am-12.30am (18 September to 4 December 2018)

Find out more and book here